Today, we drove to the Unicoi County Animal Shelter to pick up a new batch of foster kittens. The babies were born on October 26, 2009 so they are about one week old.
We haven't named the foster family yet. I don't think the shelter named the mother yet - if they did, they didn't tell me.
It is actually difficult to say yes to host another batch of foster kittens. I was a little hesitant to say yes this time. Not sure why.
But once you get to the shelter and SEE the foster family, all the doubts fade away. A sense of purpose and happiness floats in and digs itself in your heart on the drive home.
While I was at the shelter, Paul was at Lowes buying the supplies we would need to make a better enclosure for the foster kittens and to keep our cats away from the family for now. Mother cats don't particularly like strange cats - especially males - around their kittens. For health purposes, we also need to keep everyone separated.
The mother cat is sweet and agreeable. The foster kittens are tiny and one or two are starting to open their eyes. Last time, we had five foster kittens. This time, we have SIX foster kittens. So far, 5 of the kittens appear to be the exact same color - I don't know how we'll tell them apart. One kitten looks just like the mom.
I'll keep you posted!
I think it's great what you're doing. They are lucky cats. I was reading someone's blurb about pets yesterday and they were saying it's not a RIGHT to own pets but a LUXURY, talking about how you should take care of them. Her thing was that she doesn't believe in animal RIGHTS but animal welfare. I thought that was good. I can't wait to hear what names you come up with. ;)