Here is Miss January Jones and Mr. August Jones. Asleep together in a warm, comfy blanket. They recently got spayed/neutered and are doing really well. They get to go to their permanent home in October.

That black and white guy in the front is Friday - TGFF (thank God for Friday). He is back at my house, getting some more fostering, since he was doing poorly at the animal shelter (in my opinion). I just don't think living in a cage was agreeing with him. I think it "rocked his little world."
It took him almost a week to get interested in food again. He was so scrawny and wouldn't drink kitten replacement milk or eat canned food. He would only eat a few morsels of dry kitten food. But he did drink water and had the energy to play. Everytime, I held him, my heart just broke because I could feel all his ribs and backbone so prominently.
I am happy to report that he is now plump (not fat) and solid and romping around with January and August.