First, Miss Dora hears us coming and jumps from the enclosure and runs to meet us with one and only one meow.
Second, I grab a can of food or the litter scooper and a plastic bag.
Third, I take care of the feeding, watering and litter chores.
Fourth (sometimes I get to skip #2 and #3 if that's already been done for the day and I get to go straight to #4), I walk to the foster kitten enclosure and hear their greeting (mew, mew, mew, mew, mew).
Fifth, I try to find a clear spot to step into the enclosure. This can be difficult because the foster kittens are gathered around and looking up at me. Sometimes I have to scoot them away with my feet so I can get inside.
Sixth, when I finally get inside, I find a place to sit.
Seventh (this is indeed a lucky number), the kittens climb into my lap from every angle. Today, Alaska started purring as soon as I was seated. It was a powerful purr. The foster kittens love to snuggle and have human contact. Miss Dora is not far behind. Even though it might be easy to give the foster kittens all my attention, I never forget Miss Dora. I respect her superior mothering skills and her sweetness. I try to pet everyone equally. At first they snuggle. Tonight, August settled in my arms and looked up at me with a sweet, sleepy face. I thought he might take a nap. But no, the foster kittens just have to wrestle - each other, my hands, my toes, my legs, each other. Sometimes they try to entice Miss Dora to join in the fun, but she's not having it. She'd just like some of my attention and no shenanigans. Tonight, my husband was waiting for me to watch a movie, and I found it hard to leave them behind. Spending time with the foster kittens can be addictive.