We took their climbing structure outside today to get some pictures of them. We didn't take them out all at once because we weren't sure how they would react. They were curious yet apprehensive.
Drum roll, please...................Meet the Jones Family (except Miss Dora, the mom)...............
How we chose the names for the foster kittens: Well, I named January first because she looked different than all the others, and I just love the name January Jones. As we were struggling to find names for them (I take pet naming very seriously), I thought, "why not give them all proper names - months, states, countries, cities, days of the week." January doesn't have a tail so the other kitten without a tail also got named for a month: August. The two solid black kittens got named for states: Alaska and Indiana. The other little boy got named a day of the week: Friday because we liked that better than the name of a city or country. If you adopt these lovable fur balls, you can name them anything you want!
To recap: there are 3 girls and two boys. The two boys are the only ones with some white fur. Three kittens have tails and two do not. There are two solid black kittens, but you can tell them apart. There is one gray/black striped kitten. There are 5 foster kittens and 1 mom who have been loved and cared for in their foster home.