I added another section to the foster kittens climbing structure. They love it!

However, the foster kittens loved the box even more! There are 3 foster kittens in this picture - Indiana is on top, January is at the front of the box, and Alaska is in the back of the box.

Another picture of the foster kittens playing.

Here are the eager faces! This is what greets me when I call out to the foster kittens to let them know that I am coming. Here they are in order - Friday (on the far left on the floor), Indiana (standing on the left at the front of the stool), January (sitting behind Indiana on the left), Alaska (in the middle), and August (far right).

Ta Da! Here is Miss Dora. She is meowing at me although it sounds more like a "mmmmrrruuurrp."
Heehee! That photo of the five of them looking at you makes me smile. What a nice thing to walk up to see. :)