I think the Jones foster kittens are 3 weeks old today. The little boy above is the one who looks like his mom and has no tail.

This is also a little boy, and he has a tail.

See, the flap is down and now they roam a bit.

January wants me to pick her up. She likes to snuggle up close.

I can't say enough good things about Miss Dora, the mom. She is a very good mother and spends all of her time with the foster kittens. She talks to them if they "mew" too much while she is eating. She has never minded that we hold her babies while she eats. She certainly appreciates getting some attention too. I wonder if she belonged to someone at some point because she is very tame.
Today, I prepared a shallow pan of dry kitten food with added water. A website I visited suggested offering them solid food in this manner although the website also said that the foster kittens would wear it more than they would eat it. So true! Many of the kittens walked/slid through the pan. A few kittens actually took a lick but weren't much interested. Miss Dora, however, really liked this concoction!
I got them some toys today too - just in case they were ready to chase a jingle ball or wrestle a mouse. No such luck, but I've got them whenever they are ready.
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